Registration Opens – Grow With Art Speaker Series (ONLINE with Zoom) January 29, 2026
OnlineThis event will take place on Thursday, January 29, 2026 at 7:00 p.m. Topic: The Business of Being an Artist Tim’s presentation will deal with the realities of trying to actually make a living from one’s art and will highlight a lot of misconceptions about what is actually required to become a successful artist. Tim parlera […]
Registration Closes – Grow With Art Speaker Series (ONLINE with Zoom), January 2026
OnlineThis event will take place on Tuesday, January 29, 2026 at 7:00 p.m. Tim’s presentation will deal with the realities of trying to actually make a living from one’s art and will highlight a lot of misconceptions about what is actually required to become a successful artist. Tim parlera du volet commercial d’être artiste. Il […]